Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Break 4 Health Shoot

© Casey Miller 2012

Just finished up a fascinating job for Margie Korshak Inc working with Jenny Mandell and Break 4 Health. The shoot was great fun and I learned lots about a fitness program I had never heard of. Read up on Jennys amazing story at her site

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Montgomery Screening

Egen.tv has agreed to having a showing of Montgomery, then have it appear on their Sunday show "Filming 'Round Midtown." I'm working on the details and dates, but keep a look out for the event! WOOO!!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dance with Me

"Dance with me"
Chicago, IL
Photographer: Casey J O Miller
Model: Valerie Diehl

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rave Lights Shine

An experiment seeing how far you can take in camera images. This came directly from my memory card, no editing done. Just goes to show you with a long exposure and a little creativity your can create a very fun image.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I see myself in your eyes

One of my favorite things to find when editing my photos are catch lights. But in this case I did one better and I found myself in her eyes. Enjoy.